Fire & Safety Products Fire & Safety Products

Authorized dealer for the following Fire Alarm Systems


We also service and inspect most major fire alarm manufacturers products.

Fire Safety Products & Services

Communication/nurse call systems
Computer and paint booth suppression systems
Emergency/exit lighting
Fire extinguishers:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers
  • Class-K kitchen fire extinguishers
  • Halotron – 1 fire extinguishers
  • Multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguishers
  • Pressurized water fire extinguishers 
  • Water mist fire extinguishers

Fire hoses
Fire safety plans and log books
Gas detection
Kitchen suppression systems
Smoke & carbon monoxide alarms
Sprinkler systems
ULC listed fire alarm monitoring systems



Customer Testimonial

You will be pleased to know that you have us as happy customers.  Recently the water alarm went off, much to our surprise as we got a call from your operator telling us.  There was a leak...
- Hans & Diane R.